Expanse books the churn
Expanse books the churn

Only happened a few times but it was pretty annoying.įinally, there is a pretty high level of violence in this novella. It was tough reading through and reading these terms and not really knowing what the heck was going on. There are terms used that are never explained, that are specific to the world. It wouldn’t be worth noting if it weren’t for the fact that I’m into book one and the borderline racist comments keep appearing here and there. “You thought you were tougher than me? I owned your momma, boy. There was one specifically that triggered me (yes, the use of that term is necessary in this situation): There were also multiple comments in this novella that bordered on problematic. There were mentions of the fact that Timmy was Lydia’s “almost son and sometimes lover” and there was a totally unnecessary sex scene in this novella that eeked me out even more once I understood the background of their relationship. Something that really comes to mind is that the relationship between Timmy and Lydia and how GROSS it was. However we only got a sneak peek, and I think this novella could have been a little longer and the world building more fleshed out. The details of the way people live and how the world is were very fleshed out. I could also appreciate that there was a very distinct setting in this book. Sometimes I can forgive an author for the story so long as the writing as good, and this is one of those cases.

expanse books the churn

It was gritty and dark, and almost compelled me to read even when the story itself didn’t. I can appreciate the writing in this novella, even if the story itself didn’t really do it for me. This isn’t a bad thing for me, personally, it was actually an incredibly unique perspective to read from.

expanse books the churn

While reading his thoughts, it was clear that he didn’t particularly care which way things went, whether he lived or died, or who he killed. The first thing that comes to mind about the story is that it is incredibly strange reading from the perspective of someone that is surely a pure sociopath. I couldn’t say too much about the plot without ruining it, since the novella is literally 57 pages. This is a little peek at how our main character Timmy survives during the Churn, and the choices he makes to protect himself and the people he is supposed to care about. This had put Timmy in hot water, but given that the Churn was coming Burton couldn’t cut him loose. He had been sent to collect money from someone and instead killed him. Our main character Timmy is a pretty low level lackey for a crime boss named Burton. The idea is that you catch the lower level lackies and they will lead Star Helix back to the bosses. The Churn is the systematic sweeping Star Helix, a security company, of the cities for members of the ruling criminal organizations. Men and women who couldn’t escape the cramped space spent their days at the screens of their terminals, watching newsfeeds and dramas and pornography and living on the textured protein and enriched rice of basic. Extended families lived in decaying apartments designed for half as many. The time is during the Churn.Įverywhere, all through the city, space was at a premium. The story takes place in a time where almost all citizens live in poverty. Goodreads Description Goodreads Review Kindle Notes and Highlights (SPOILERS!) So this is definitely down to personal preference what bugs you in a book. 5 and so far with book one, so it’s worth continuing for sure, and my friend David rated this five stars. I will say that I was more impressed with novella.


Having started book one by the time I’m writing this review, I will say this is the only time that I’ve ever read a series and reading the novellas beforehand didn’t work out. 2, which in my opinion might have been a mistake.

expanse books the churn expanse books the churn

Also, if you would like to join the read-along, or to read other backlist books with us, come join our Accountant Backlist Bookclub (newly minted) on Goodreads. We called it the Accountant Buddy Read, and you can find his review here. I had been wanting to dive more into sci-fi and I had heard really great things about this series, so me and my friend David (also an accountant) decided to buddy read it, starting with the novellas and going in order through the series. This will be my spoiler-free review on The Churn by James S.A.

Expanse books the churn